Human Resources Development Agency
The Human Resources Development Agency is a non-governmental organization that is successfully implementing projects under different programs – CBC, BalkanMed, Erasmus +, Norway Grants etc. Since its establishment HRDA participates in numerous projects and initiatives in the social field, the field of education and training, tourism, innovations, etc. and funds a large number of its activities with the Agency’s own resources. The organization relies on a team of experts with different backgrounds and diverse expertise. In 2019 HRDA creates the Ruse Creative Center – a hall with hightech equipment for training in the field of creative industries. The cabinet was created in order to become a gathering place for the young creative community in the city, a place for exchanging ideas and practicing what has been learned. The Creative Center has hosted a number of trainings on programs in the field of animation, game creation, 3D, graphic design.
The Center was built as a result of many years of experience of the organization in developing concepts for regional development and innovative training methods. They have been implemented in a number of EU countries, and very few through Bulgarian programs.
14 Kresna Street