Project Result 1
Methodological framework with guidelines for job seekers and entrepreneurs in the field of VR AR technologies.
PR1 aims to develop a methodological framework to support the projects target groups in order to introduce them to the opportunities to position themselves on the labour market or as entrepreneurs in the field of VR and AR technologies.
The framework will:
- Describe the pedagogical approach and training methodology.
- Explain the course topics, goals and objectives.
- Provide a methodological matrix/set around which educational content will be organized and implemented.
- Develop the action methodologies for the learning delivery of the training experience.
- Propose the technical solutions.
Project Result 2
Handbook for working with VR and AR technologies.
The Trainer’s handbook will be an elaborated guide serving two objectives:
- The pedagogical aspect of the training provision in order to work in VR and AR environment.
- The technical aspects of the training provision as available online and how to better exploit the online material as a curriculum.
Project Result 3
Training video tutorials for work with VR and AR.
The main outcome of PR3 are webinars with graphically enhanced training modules that will help to train jobseekers and future entrepreneurs.